June 16, 2020
In the wake of the death of George Floyd, there has been a massive demand to end systemic racism in the country in all its forms. South Philadelphia has become a prime example of what that means in the last few days. The History of Marconi Plaza In South Philadelphia, nestled between some trees on Read More
July 22, 2018
The Pennsylvania GOP plan on using Liberalism against itself in November, and we have to go along with it. Let me explain why. I was in the car with a friend discussing Mike Pence coming to Philadelphia. “Hey, are you going to the protest?,” I asked him. “Sure! How about you?” “Yeah,” I replied, “and Read More
December 2, 2017
This Article was Updated December 3, 2107: Included provisions about bathrooms and added a new compromise. Stop-and-Go Places, Plexiglass, and Cindy Bass’ War on Blight There is nothing more infuriating than hearing about something at the last minute that impacts your life. I despise opening this article with this, but I have to. I’m writing Read More
November 3, 2017
How the Far-Right Wing of the Republican Party could Undermine the Commonwealth It could happen here. The destruction of the public school system. Increases of the Sales and Income Taxes. The systematic elimination of the middle-class. The near elimination of public transit. Major cities seeing reduced funding and going bankrupt, employers allowed to fire people Read More
October 13, 2017
This November 7th, a question will show up on the ballot of millions of Pennsylvanians: “Shall the Pennsylvania Constitution be amended to permit the General Assembly to enact legislation authorizing local taxing authorities to exclude from taxation up to 100 percent of the assessed value of each homestead property within a local taxing jurisdiction, rather Read More
January 30, 2017
The Republican Party is broken if it can’t call a duck a duck. I’m tired of fighting these stupid arguments, and I’m tired of not being “sure” of what I think. I’m done with it. I’m tired of trying to defend bad ideas, and I’m tired of “going along to get along.” If you can’t Read More
November 14, 2016
In the wake of the 2016 Presidential and General Election, the number of hate crimes in the Philadelphia rose dramatically, and all of them went back to the top of the ticket, Donald Trump. A store in South Philadelphia the night of the election was tagged with things such as “Sieg Heil Trump 2016” and Read More
October 30, 2016
My prediction about the SEPTA Strike: I get alerts on my phone whenever there are cancellations on my SEPTA Regional Rail lines. In the last 2 weeks there has been a massive up-tick in alerts. Additionally, I know a few conductors. The general mood is not good. Conductors are frustrated and are stuck working on Read More